Today’s musings

From the friends at Sketchbook Skool, this video about the importance of color. And of painting and of doing creative things. I need all the color I can get right now. colored pencilspencils

colorful dress in motioncolor in nature

I have vivid memories of watching Billy Graham crusades on TV with my maternal grandmother on hot summer nights in North Carolina when I was a kid. I can never forget the voice of George Beverly Shea, thousands of people singing “Just as I Am,” and, always, “the buses will wait”. . . .

Billy Graham crusade

Too young to know what I’m talking about? You can find out more here.

When I heard today that he had died, I felt nostalgic and sad. He represented what is now an unusual kind of evangelist–far more interested in preaching the Gospel than in far-right American politics or the prosperity gospel or any of that nonsense. He made some well-publicized mistakes, but he was light years away from any modern tele-evangelist that I can think of–a giant among small and inconsequential men. He was the inheritor of a great American preaching tradition. I doubt very much that we shall see his like again. Well done, thou good and faithful servant.

On other fronts, I am trying to figure out, which is one of the most vexing projects I have ever gotten myself into. And I’m supposed to be taking several online courses, but am way, way, way behind in everything.

Finally, I am hugely encouraged by the move, led by students, to demand action on gun control in the USA, where a mind-boggling number of people are killed in mass shootings every year (take your pick, day, month, whatever), MORE THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH. It’s way past time for radical change.


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