Category Daily


I have just finished a book that knocked me flat. One of the most finely wrought novels I have read in many a year. Perhaps ever. Get it. Read it. An astonishing achievement that will transport you.

Don’t tell Mama!

Back in the day, when one of our parents or aunts or uncles did something a tiny bit naughty that was witnessed by someone else, the event was invariably accompanied by the admonition, “Don’t tell Mama!” Mama’s not around anymore…

I see the moon!

Yesterday or the day before–who can keep track of the days in pandemic times?–was the anniversary of the moon landing. A great event in my childhood, which I can see in my mind’s eye like it was yesterday. This photo…

On waiting and burnout

I got all excited when I thought I might get to see a new ocean! And then I came to the part where it’s going to take 5-10 million years. . . . Interesting article on burnout in global health.…

Various. Plus coffee.

You must look at these gorgeous photographs of Vermont. This is perfectly extraordinary. I admit to loving my Nespresso machine(s). But the (non)recycling aspect is huge. In Switzerland, you can’t swing a cat without coming across a recycling station for…

Miscellany of cool things

Who knew the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority has its own photographer? Like plenty of others, I am fascinated by tiny houses. This one is really intriguing, not just the building but the whole ethos and the story…

Bits of brilliance

For your plague reading, which, as it turns out, did not stop with Defoe or Camus. (I once had occasion, in an earlier disaster, to write about the timelessness of Defoe’s work. You can read it here: McLellan washday in…

Books and “art”

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately, in part, of course, to escape the news of the world. And, because I took a road trip, some of those books have been audio versions. I’m sure I already raved about…

Speaking of extraordinary

I have been feeling mildly sorry for myself, nervous on my first outing (by car) in these pandemic times, masked and hand-gelled to the hilt, wiping down surfaces in hotel rooms with disinfectant, giving people a wide berth in the…