Category Daily

Pandemic art and one astonishing photo

I’m fascinated by the creative stuff people are doing while in lockdown/during the pandemic. I love this project.  And then there’s what’s happening as lockdowns are being lifted, as seen at Istanbul’s  aquarium. Isn’t this just extraordinary?  

The big discovery of the week

Paulus Berensohn.  Dancer, potter, artist, teacher, “deep ecologist”. Taught loads of people how to make beautiful personal journals. Thanks to an online course I am taking (Notebook Journeys with Roxanne Evans Stout), I discovered him and this short film. Now…

The new normal?

Such a discouraging day. Ran into brick walls wherever I turned. Alas! Despite that, I discovered some good things: a newsletter with all kinds of interesting, uplifting things. An Australian artist living a downsized life. Inspiring! Who besides me is…

Pandemic lockdown #13: Holy Saturday

Worked in the yard/garden today. Trying to think of a future with flowers and vegetables and herbs–eventually! Scenes from recent walks. The rapeseed fields are about to burst into bright yellow bloom. Those are the Jura mountains in the background.…