Category Life in France

From Siberia to . . .

This has been the most brutal winter I have known since moving to France. Next week I will be in Bangkok and Siem Reap. Just checked the weather forecast for Siem Reap. Heat index: 132 F !! This is going…

New Year’s Day

The peas are on the stove for Hoppin’ John. My favorite recipe, courtesy of the late lamented Bill Neal of Crook’s Corner in Chapel Hill. Hoppin’ John Yields 4 to 6 servings Southerners may make resolutions for the New Year,…

Melancholy jam

First problem: my beautiful new copper pot for jam-making won’t work on my induction stovetop. Arrrghhh.  Second issue: do we think that when Google translate says “wear to a shiver,” it really means “bring to a simmer”? Life in France.…

Writing weekend

Had a deeply inspiring weekend at the Geneva Writers Group biennial conference. Just up the road from me, in Bellevue, Switzerland. Stimulating workshops, interesting people to meet, but, best of all, I WROTE. A LOT. Details to come.