Paper, ink, and stamps

I have just finished a round of actual correspondence and it made me a bit nostalgic. Even though I now print my own stamps! So I was interested to read this op-ed in today’s NY Times.

And here’s the address of someone you can write to right away–to thank him for DOING HIS JOB. And doing it very, very well. We cannot let public health experts be bullied into submission by people who have NO IDEA what they are talking about.

Dr Anthony Fauci

c/o NIAID Office of Communications and Government Relations

5601 Fishers Lane, MSC 9806

Bethesda, MD 20892-9806 USA

Has anyone else been reviving the art of correspondence? Do tell.


One comment

  1. I love using stamps and sending cards. I have increased my card sending during Covid . I buy cards form independent artists and mail them to people I love.!

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