Saturday report

I went to the market today, as usual, but was shocked and not very happy to learn that all public health measures that had been put in place over the past few weekends have disappeared. Now that the border is open again, the Swiss are able to come flooding in, and, all of a sudden, there is no one-way system, no alcohol gel at the entrance, and very, very few people wearing masks. I did not feel safe at all and tried to zip through there as fast as possible.

I met up with my friend Mary Martin, who is a fantastic professional coach, as I can attest from personal experience. She told me about three lessons she had learned in a course she took long ago, called Calm amid Chaos. Doesn’t that sound like something we need right now? The ideas were so powerful I wrote them down:

  • Change is continuous.
  • The universe is benevolent.
  • The cause is in the future.

Worth pondering!

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